three days since I was told the "mixed news" that I'm pregnant but with
a very low HCG value of 28. I had the idea of taking a home pregnancy
test to see if
the second line would get darker. On Friday I tested and had a faint
but visible line. This morning I tested again and this time the second line
was barely visible at all - instead of getting darker, it was even fainter! You probably can't even make out the second line in the pic below.
Surely the line should be
getting darker since the HCG value should be increasing each day so I have already started trying to prepare myself emotionally for the worst. Maybe this might not be our
time. However, later I was googling and I read that home pregnancy tests are not very accurate for measuring HCG levels. They can tell if you are pregnant
or not but not how
pregnant. Some forums I read said that the line can even appear darker or
lighter depending on time of day or how dehydrated you are. The only
really accurate test is
a blood test. I'll have to keep waiting until late next week for
So much waiting. I just want to know if this pregnancy is viable or
not! I don't have any symptoms yet either, just possibly sleepiness and an increased appetite. So
right now I feel barely pregnant, like this pregnancy is hanging on by a
thread. Bring on Thursday so I can have more an idea of what's going on! In the meantime I've been trying to send positive energy to the baby and praying that he or she is a little fighter.