Friday, August 28, 2020


Typically I try to save my holidays from work up in order to go on trips back to Ireland. This August I had some time off planned and initially it felt rather sad strange not to be travelling due to the pandemic. We had thought about the idea of going somwhere within Germany but hubby had a Covid-19 scare (negative thankfully) and we didn't get around to planing anything. So we ended up having a two week statcation instead and.. it was great!

It was refreshing not to have the stress that comes along with travel actually. The planning, packing, unpacking, train and/or car journeys. I've heard that a lot of holiday spots around Germany have been extra packed lately as everyone has the same idea which carries a higher Covid-19 risk. The past few months have been so busy that I hadn't seen some of my close friends here since before the pandemic so I decided to use this free time to arrange meetups - some with kids and some without (having my hubby finally available for more minding was great!).

We also filled up our days with some nice family trips too - going to feed the ducks, picnics in the park, getting ice cream, walks in the woods, spending time at lakes. Lots of cycling and time outdoors basically which was good for the soul. Having a break from work deadlines and stress is always welcome too, of course!

Here are a few random pictures from my camera roll.

How have you been spending your Summer?


  1. We had a staycation too!! I'm always a bit dubious about going off somewhere else in the summer anyway - and leaving the sunshine. I was a bit surprised by how many people actually went on holiday this year. My daughter went back to school on Monday and said that all of her closer friends were on holiday.

  2. Oh fun! We canceled our annual family vacation this year, due to my daighter's new car sickness thanks to COVID and never leaving the house. I'm sad about it, but know that things wouldn't have looked nearly the same as in normal years. I'm so glad you go some good rest and relaxation!

  3. Beachtung

    Ziel ist es, die breite Öffentlichkeit, gesunde Männer und Frauen zu informieren. Wer ist interessiert
    Beim Verkauf Ihres Knochenmarks (Nierenorgane) an die Nieren, Hoden und Kontakt 100% ernsthaft. Email;
    Weil wir viele haben
    Patienten benötigen derzeit eine Nierentransplantation.
    Suchen Sie nach Möglichkeiten, Ihr Nierengeld zu verkaufen, um es zu finanzieren
    Wir werden deine kaufen
    Niere für 1.000.000 Euro
    Leber: 800.000 Euro p
    Eierstöcke: 350.000 Euro
    Gehirn acht: 550.000 €

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    Blacksburg Klinik

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  4. Beachtung

    Ziel ist es, die breite Öffentlichkeit, gesunde Männer und Frauen zu informieren. Wer ist interessiert
    Beim Verkauf Ihres Knochenmarks (Nierenorgane) an die Nieren, Hoden und Kontakt 100% ernsthaft. Email;
    Weil wir viele haben
    Patienten benötigen derzeit eine Nierentransplantation.
    Suchen Sie nach Möglichkeiten, Ihr Nierengeld zu verkaufen, um es zu finanzieren
    Wir werden deine kaufen
    Niere für 1.000.000 Euro
    Leber: 800.000 Euro p
    Eierstöcke: 350.000 Euro
    Gehirn acht: 550.000 €

    senden Sie uns eine Email


    WhatsApp: Frag mich

    Um ehrlich zu sein
    Blacksburg Klinik

    Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich nur Spender mit einem gültigen Spenderzertifikat bewerben können. Um mehr über das Zertifikat zu erfahren, kontaktieren Sie uns für weitere Informationen.


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