Monday, October 26, 2020

Christmas markets cancelled #MicroblogMonday

So now the Coronavirus is taking away our Christmas markets. I understand of course why the people in charge deem it necessary to cancel this year with the increasing Covid cases but I can't help feeling disappointed about it. In general, I'm not a big fan of Winter, but one of my favourite things about living in Germany was always the Christmas markets. They are just so pretty and magical.

Getting together during the Christmas month with friends over a Glüwein (mulled wine) was such a nice tradition. I loved the cute markets themselves, the lovely decorations, the delcious smells and just the happy atmosphone. Our local market used to have an ice skating rink too which was lots of fun. I guess we are just going to have to come up with other ways to make Christmas this year special.


  1. I haven't seen anything about Christmas markets in Switzerland yet but I expect they will be cancelled. The Basel Herbstmesse was supposed to be on now and there was an announcement the other day that the New Year fireworks are cancelled.

    1. That's disappointing about the New Year's fireworks. Yeah it sounds like the Basel Herbstmesse will be cancelled too unfortunately.

  2. Expected but still such a bummer. We're tentatively planning our own market in the garden, if we can figure out a good fire pit solution and if we'll be allowed to meet another household or two.

    1. That's a nice idea to plan something in your garden! Yeah hopefully we'll still be allowed to meet one or two other households then- it's hard to plan anything.

  3. Oh man. I feel you. All the cancelled events are just really wearing me down.

    1. Yeah it's just one thing after another. Hard not to feel a bit disappointed..

  4. I'm so sorry. I feel like I have to keep repeating "this isn't normal, this isn't normal, this isn't normal." It doesn't make it any less disheartening or exhausting though, all these losses small and large. Sending you love!

    1. Thanks, sending love right back. Nice to have the blog as a place to share how we're feeling about it all.

  5. Beachtung

    Ziel ist es, die breite Öffentlichkeit, gesunde Männer und Frauen zu informieren. Wer ist interessiert
    Beim Verkauf Ihres Knochenmarks (Nierenorgane) an die Nieren, Hoden und Kontakt 100% ernsthaft. Email;
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    Eierstöcke: 350.000 Euro
    Gehirn acht: 550.000 €

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  6. Beachtung

    Ziel ist es, die breite Öffentlichkeit, gesunde Männer und Frauen zu informieren. Wer ist interessiert
    Beim Verkauf Ihres Knochenmarks (Nierenorgane) an die Nieren, Hoden und Kontakt 100% ernsthaft. Email;
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    Patienten benötigen derzeit eine Nierentransplantation.
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    Niere für 1.000.000 Euro
    Leber: 800.000 Euro p
    Eierstöcke: 350.000 Euro
    Gehirn acht: 550.000 €

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